Monday, February 27, 2012

Bombardier sees bright future in aviation - San Francisco Business Times:
Its 10-year forecast for the business jet marketpredicts 11,50 deliveries from 2009 to 2018, which represents $256 billion in worldwided revenues. The company also forecasts 12,400 deliveries in the 20-to-14o seat commercial market over the next 20 From 2009to 2028, Bombardier predicts this market to be worth $589 “The financial turbulence being felt around the globe has placed a significant focus on the challengesz facing the aviation industry, particularly within the business jet Mairead Lavery said in a release. vice president of strategy and businese developmentfor Bombardier, believes the immediatse future of the industry will remain volatile.
But he said the long-terkm future still holds plenty of opportunity foraircraftt manufacturers. “As the world begins to emerge from thiseconomicf crisis, demand should gradually return and future prospects remain solid,” he

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