Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Software engineer funds nonprofit studies program at Gordon College - Boston Business Journal:
The entrepreneur, Joe Krivickas, has a careerf that has spanned a number ofsuccessfuk start-up businesses, in addition to his MBA from the . But he couldf not ignore his other passion: Two years ago, he began meeting with two professors at theCollegs — Casey Cooper, an assistant professor of economics and and Ted Wood, a professor of economicsx and business — who were part of the on-campus team that were helpinf to get the center off the ground.
Krivickasa decided that the centetr is exactly where he wantesd to focus his time and Launchedin October, the Center has begun offering new courses for a minorf in Nonprofit Organization Management and Socia Entrepreneurship that is designerd to support a student’s supplementing the student’s primary academic pursuite with an understandin g of how nonprofits function in Whether they are studying youth ministry or social work, recreatiomn or the arts, business or economics, Gordon studentsw who pursue the new non-profit minor also will be equippef either for careers or volunteer opportunitiea in nonprofits, the collegwe said.
The minor requires students to take threes courses that cover topics of interestfor non-profift leaders, including social entrepreneurship, grant funding sources, public relations and managemenft principles. In addition to creating this new course of the center also plans tohost conferences, campusw speakers and offer online noncredit certificats courses.

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